Author: jaykrown

  • Numbers

    They preach the market when we fall,But change the rules to save their own.Socialism for the banking hall,While workers gnaw the bone. Each subsidy they claim as right,Each bailout justified—The faster that they clutch and hide,The quicker comes their pride. Their greed accelerates the end:These numbers cannot hold.No haven built on screens can standWhen hunger…

  • STAR Voting App

    This application lets you create votes and cast ballots using STAR voting (Score Then Automatic Runoff), a modern system that combines the flexibility of score voting with the majority consensus of an automatic runoff. It works for everything from simple Yes or No questions to preference votes with up to 20 options, always determining a…

  • Atoms’ Pulse

    In atoms’ pulse and stellar fire,Where quantum mysteries lift higher,The sacred essence flows unfurled—Through every fragment of our world. Through nebulae of violet light,Where stars are birthed in endless night,Divine awareness breathes and flows,In every leaf, in every rose. Not separate from earth and sky,But woven through the how and why,The cosmos thinks through human…

  • The Underlying Rhythm

    After six straight graveyard shifts, the world gets strange around the edges. But what happened that night wasn’t exhaustion playing tricks—it was something I still can’t explain, even with my medical knowledge. It was at County General. Three traumas from a pileup on the interstate, all critical. The kind of night where seconds stretch and…

  • Rust Weather App

    I created my first web app using Rust with Yew and Rocket. It gets the current weather of any searched city using weatherapi. I have it on github, although it is not currently hosted live

  • News Aggregator This is a Python Flask-based web application that aggregates and displays news articles from multiple RSS feeds. The app allows users to view articles from different news sources, search for specific articles, and load more content dynamically as they scroll. Cached articles are automatically refreshed in the background.

  • Web Image Processor

    This anonymized script automates the process of fetching, analyzing, and storing public images. It extracts EXIF metadata and image tags, storing the results in a DuckDB database. The script also includes duplicate detection and robust error handling.

  • Bellabeat Capstone Project

    This project analyzes fitness tracking data from 35 Bellabeat Leaf users to identify usage trends and inform marketing strategies.

  • Cyclistic Analysis Project

    This capstone project represents the culmination of my Data Analytics certificate program. It has provided me with an invaluable learning experience and effectively showcases my skills. The project is hosted on my website as a Flask application and is based on real-world historical data from the Divvy bike-sharing system in Chicago.

  • Image Recognition Python + LLaVA

    I used LLaVA and GPT-4o to successfully identify an image’s prime keywords, returning an ordered list of descriptors. “This script utilizes LLaVA (Large Language and Vision Assistant) to identify images based on keyword descriptors, iterating 35 times by default. It generates two outputs: a list of primary keywords and a corresponding list indicating the frequency…